Chances are you have been spending some real quality time with your child this summer, which is fantastic! But, in the off-chance that you are ready for some good old "me time", let us explain how Keiki Sitters works and how we can help YOU this summer!
Keiki Sitters is a Kama'aina service helping local families (you!) find local sitters. What does that mean for you? Well, our simple 3 step process breaks it down for you, allowing you to spend less time hunting for sitters by bringing highly qualified sitters right to you!
Interested in how it works? Here goes!
Step 1: Post a Job

Just fill out one simple form and your job will be posted on our site,, and sitters who live close by will be alerted that a new job has posted in their area. Your job post is the place to let potential sitters know your rates, where you are located, how many and how old your children are, and any other details you find pertinent.
Step 2: Sit Back and Relax

You will receive emails as sitters apply for your job, and you can choose the best fit for your family from among our hundreds of qualified and dedicated sitters. If you would rather actively search through our sitter database, you also have that option.
Step 3: Check your Messages

Each sitter will send a message when they apply for your job, and you will be able to view their profile. Then all you need to do is contact your favorite sitters to arrange for an interview. We do ask that you write back to all sitters who apply, even if you do not plan to interview them.
Interested? Head over to our website for our rates and further info! Aloha!