Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thanksgiving Treats for Kids

Turkey and stuffing is right around the corner. 
To celebrate, we've rounded up some of this season's most 
creative treat ideas that your keiki will love to help make and eat. 

Pilgrim Hat Cookies
Woman's Day has whipped up pilgrim hats that are easily assembled with 
three ingredients (chocolate wafers, orange frosting, and peanut butter cups). 

Pilgrim cupcakesThanksgiving Cupcakes
Tonya Stabb has two Thankgiving cupcake winners that we are crazy about:
cupcake pilgrims (take the Woman's Day recipe above to a whole new level)
and cupcake turkeys.                                                                                                               

Plymouth Rock Cookies - Image Collection
Plymouth Rock cookies add historical context.

Disney's FamilyFun gets creative with edible Indian corn

We've saved the best for last.  
Aren't these Oreo turkeys from OurBestBites really too cute not to make?
We thought so. 

As always we're grateful for life and the opportunity
to work with such incredible families and sitters on a daily basis. 

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